that bitcoin strategy is very strange. Thanks wolf great breakdown. Food delivery like doordash might be a better play if your into the food delivery area yet they are two different plays
Nailed it! Seeing that their earnings were coming up, a few days ago I was reading their stuff wondering 'beat up diamond about to shine?'. Everything just kept adding up to NOPE. Revenue improvement, no. Margin improvement, no. Cash flow..NOPE, cap table...NOPE!!...then the bit about buying Bitcoin. I stopped reading in stunned shock.
Couldn't they have at least built up to the Bitcoin drop by talking about Cannabis delivery or engaging a qualified geologist to explore for gold/lithium in the Montreal sewers or something?
that bitcoin strategy is very strange. Thanks wolf great breakdown. Food delivery like doordash might be a better play if your into the food delivery area yet they are two different plays
Nailed it! Seeing that their earnings were coming up, a few days ago I was reading their stuff wondering 'beat up diamond about to shine?'. Everything just kept adding up to NOPE. Revenue improvement, no. Margin improvement, no. Cash flow..NOPE, cap table...NOPE!!...then the bit about buying Bitcoin. I stopped reading in stunned shock.
Couldn't they have at least built up to the Bitcoin drop by talking about Cannabis delivery or engaging a qualified geologist to explore for gold/lithium in the Montreal sewers or something?
Yeah. I actually went into it thinking I could potentially like it.