Good work on validating that the story that got you into a stock isn't holding up, admitting it and getting out. Respect.

Since you have cash burning a hole in your pocket, you might want to consider my personal top pick right now, DavidsTea.

- epic turn around story, not yet fully recognized by the market (NASDAQ listing in 2015 at US$19/share; pandemic cut down of 240 locations to 18, dramatic re-basing of business at a much lower level)

- scale back and rebasing now done, DavidsTea is back to growing again

- already a ten bagger off its summer lows, another ten bagger from present levels very possible

- 15% revenue growth at existing footprint

- no debt, clean cap table

- cash flow positive; would have shown IFRS profit in Q3 but chose to non-IFRS their way into a loss because they wanted to give the finger to their fired IT-vendor (how often does management do that!?!)

- they don't need to do investor relations as the business is giving them the cash they need, so they don't do investor relations

- based on last year's Q4 and financial base set in Q2 and Q3, I expect EPS of ~$0.27/share in Q4, then EPS ~$0.07 in each of Q2, 3 and 4.

- FY25 EPS at ~$0.48, yet stock is ~$1.15 now (forward PE 2.5!!!)

- $8M cash pre-4Q Christmas rush, likely ~$15M+ as of now

- added two stores just prior to Q4 rush, 18 to 20 stores, the extra stores will show up in Q4 revenue

- management plans to go to 40 stores 'by 2027', funded from free cash flow

- likely now generating more cash flow than needed to expand at that rate, so dividend or buy-back (I think buy back as management already owns 44.8% of stock)

- 4Q (Nov-Jan) reports in late April/early March, at which point a version of this would show out as true and the stock should do a quick multi-bagger off current levels. Little room for downside as the price is already crazy low given what should have shown as earnings per share of ~$0.05 in traditionally the worst quarter of their cycle .

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Looked recently and was rather meh about it. Did not know about this IT vendor thing though impacting results. I'll give it another glance.

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Their Q3 MD&A is hilarious. They must have had fun writing that and caring not one bit who read it. They took a $3.1M hit to Q3 ($0.117/share when they non-IFRS'd their way to a $0.06/share loss) that they had to reverse out in the non-IFRS to IFRS reconciliation because, technically they shouldn't have taken the hit. But they took the hit to more thoroughly trash talk their IT vendor.

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It’s almost admirable. 😂

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nice job wolf...thanks

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Solid write up. Since my position was already small (<1% especially after today) I’m going to take the wait and see approach before getting fully out or adding. Will like to see how new sales team does after proper training I remember seeing 12-18 months to fully train. So still 6-12 months out. Also curious to see UK facility. If CEO pushes that out further than red flag and will sell. They are also working on the new app for upsell. I see limited upside but could lead to the sales team hitting the ground running quicker.

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Feels like my sentiment from 3 months ago.

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